We could all use some extra kindness these days!
Did you know -- When we show or receive kindness and appreciation, our body releases feel-good hormones which reduce stress, anxiety and depression.
Feeling down? Do something nice for someone – including yourself. 😊
Let someone know how much you appreciate them
*for the great job they’re doing
*for their efforts
*for their kindness
*for their friendliness
*let someone know what they mean to you
Show acts of kindness to your family
*take over your kid’s chores for a day
*buy someone a treat just because
*make their favourite meal
*on movie night, put on their favourite show
*give them little gifts/flowers/chocolates for no reason
*plan date nights
*invite them on outings
*let them choose what to do on an outing
*show genuine interest in them and ask them to tell you about their day and their goals
Show acts of kindness to your friends
*pick up the tab when out for lunch with a friend
*if you see a little something that reminds you of them, buy it for them
*offer to help them with a project or chore
*be available to help
*make them a meal
*bring them a treat
*share healthy recipes
*include them in your plans
*let them choose what to do on an outing
*invite them for a walk
*show genuine interest in them
Show acts of kindness to strangers
*pay it forward
*pay for someone’s meal
*pay for someone’s coffee/tea
*give to those in need
*let someone ahead of you in the checkout line
*smile and strike up a conversation
Show acts of kindness toward yourself
*regular bedtime
*regular wake up
*get together with friends
*take time to yourself doing something you like to do
*soak in the tub
*exercise daily
*eat well
*get regular checkups
*to offer to run errands
*offer to pick up groceries
*to pet sit
We are made to care and help one another and be a part of something bigger than ourselves.
Let me know some ways that you have shown or received kindness.