One of the first things I noticed when I went plant-based was the excess in the grocery stores. Food that wasn't food, rows and rows of vegetables and fruit, which would likely end up in the garbage, and isles of food all competing for your attention. And, so much of the food in the grocery store doesn't encourage healthy eating. The excess became bothersome to me, and I wanted no part. We started simplifying our food choices and creating menus, which naturally caused us to waste less.
The next place I noticed excess was in my home: 2 sets of mixing bowls, a closet full of clothes, shoes and jackets I didn't wear, dishes I never used, excess food storage, buckets of decorations and ornaments for every occasion, and lots of things that I didn't use or need or could do with much less of.
I've spent so much money on things that didn't serve me or the life I wanted to create.
I started seeing the items in my home with new eyes, making decisions on what I needed and what I could easily do without. I sold or donated things I didn't need. I reduced the variety of spices, food, and items. My home became more manageable to clean, easier to cook, and less cluttered.
Living in a decluttered environment allows me more time to pursue hobbies, activities, time with people I care for, and whatever else I would rather do than manage clutter. It's faster and more efficient to clean, and I enjoy my space; it has things I love, not what I don't, and I am content with less.
Decluttering my diet and home and moving toward minimalism has been a process. I wouldn't call myself a minimalist yet, but I've come a long way, and I'm moving in the right direction. The best thing is that I feel pretty content living a simpler life.
You don't have to have it all figured out to begin, and you don't have to be perfect at it. You only need to start. I suggest you work to declutter one space at a time.
Greg McKeown of Essentialism says, "What if society stopped telling us to buy more stuff and instead allowed us to create more space to breathe and think?"
You can tell yourself to stop buying more stuff even if society doesn't. The rewards are more than you can imagine at this moment.